Return on our winter animations

04 March 2023

As with every holiday period, the cultural mediators of the Château de Chamerolles had the pleasure of welcoming many children during the activities they had planned beforehand. Indeed, for every short vacation, they prepare a visit-workshop and a booklet-games around the same theme, as well as a costumed visit. The theme for this winter? Navigators and the New World!

The visit-workshop

How did people navigate during the Renaissance? What has been discovered beyond the oceans? Who were the fearless Men who had the courage to face multiple dangers? So many questions that the mediators, Alexis and Julie, were able to answer during the visit to the navigators of the Renaissance. The children were able to revise their geography and learn new things. Equipped with compasses so as not to lose the north, they then crossed part of the castle to the cabinet of curiosities, then to the geographer's office. The opportunity to discover strange objects that could be brought back from explorations, but also spices! Obligation to use your nose to recognize spicy smells before knowing more about their origin.

Second part of the visit: the workshop! By following the mediator step by step, the children were able to create their own treasure map on parchment, like pirates. What to do with this one? Put it in a bottle of course! But not alone: ​​we also add some shells and a little sand. That's it !

The costumed visit

What could be better than a few accessories to go back in time when discovering the Château de Chamerolles? The children, dressed as in the 16th, 17th or 18th century, were able to stroll through the rooms and the centuries. A good way to understand habits in each period, especially how to wash. A must in Chamerolles which houses the Promenade des Parfums. The children were then able to ask all their questions to the costumed guide as well.

crédit photo : Hachem El Yamani / Département du Loiret

The games booklet

As throughout the year, a game booklet was available at reception. The themes vary with each season so that you never get bored and connect to the visit-workshops. Thus, young visitors who could not follow the visit with a mediator were still able to discover the world of navigators and the New World.

Next theme for spring?

Next theme for spring? The little beasts of the garden!

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